There are a number of bills being proposed by legislators which would repeal HB 6. I support efforts to review provisions of HB 6 which provided a ratepayer funded Nuclear Generation Subsidy to First Energy and its spin-off corporation Energy Harbor.
I support this review, especially, in light of the recent revelations about the purported corruption and racketeering by leadership of the Ohio House of Representatives, as well as the conduct of First Energy following the passage of HB 6 in 2019. However, I will not support a total repeal of HB 6 that would destroy Nuclear Energy as a part of Ohio’s electric power portfolio, nor any repeal that would increase the costs of electricity to Ohio consumers.
According to Legislative Services Commission, the H.B. 6 charge for Nuclear and Renewable Generation funds involved a new non bypassable charge that will begin January 1, 2021, and end on December 31, 2027. The bill created the Nuclear Generation Fund and the Renewable Generation Fund to support electric generation facilities with designated characteristics. LSC analysis shows that if HB 6 would be repealed that the cost to electric power ratepayers would be $2.3 billion increase in fees. (If you wish a copy of this 10-page analysis, please IM me and I will forward.)
I support a prompt and thorough legislative review of the fees and subsidies associated with the Nuclear Generation Fund, however, I oppose any changes to HB 6 that will increase the costs of electricity to residential, commercial or industrial consumers.